Vimexa Automotive B.V.
Houtrustweg 407
NL-2583 LL Den Haag
The Netherlands
Phone : +31 62 92 55 111
E-mail :
Benelux office & logistics
(30km from Port of Rotterdam)
Tax Identity Number (VAT) : NL853369719B01
IBAN: NL 05 ABNA 0501895736 (EURO)
IBAN: NL 52 ABNA 0501906045 (USD)
Vimexa Scandinavia Oy
Pylväsmännynkuja 3 D
FIN-04300 Tuusula
Phone : +358 452 19 59 18
E-mail :
Scandinavia & Baltics office & logistics
(30km from Port of Helsinki)
Tax Identity Number (VAT) : FI3096290-5
IBAN: FI 48 5730 0821 0165 04 (EURO)
IBAN: FI 50 5730 0830 1046 89 (USD)
“On a daily basis we are focused on opportunities in the market, which we are sharing exclusively with our partners. Our system is extremely efficient and reliable with the highest level of service. Contact us and discover the added value for your company”.
With automotive regards, on behalf of Vimexa,
Rutger Veerman, Owner & Managing Director